Thursday, January 21, 2010

A New D.Creations for the New Year!

Hello and Happy New Year!!
I have been M.I.A. from the blog for a month or so. The Holidays were fun, but crazy as usual. My day job demanded most of my time for the months of November and December, the Holidays are a very demanding time for the Cake Decorators of the world! Anywho, I have been trying to get motivated for the new year. Due to "creative differences" with the owner of Many Things, I will no longer be selling my bags there. I am going to continue to sell them online via this site and Facebook. I am still looking into getting an online store on my own website, so bear with me on that. As always I am willing to ship pretty much anywhere (within the US.)
I am currently working out some new designs for some LEATHER HANDBAGS!!! So stay-tuned for that! They will all be original one-of a kind bags, I am not doing any duplicates anymore. I hope to have the first few done by late February! Thanks for being patient with me, and I promise to update regularly. Let's make 2010 the YEAR for D.C!!